2023 Overview of activities
Project Locations
Context of Intervention
Largest Country Programs
By expenditure (in million Canadian dollars)
1. Democratic Republic of Congo | 203 |
2. Yemen | 161 |
3. South Sudan | 158 |
4. Nigeria | 108 |
5. Sudan | 104 |
6. Central African Republic | 104 |
7. Chad | 85 |
8. Afghanistan | 80 |
9. Haiti | 73 |
10. Syria | 72 |
By number of project staff1
1. South Sudan | 3,773 |
2. Afghanistan | 3,269 |
3. Nigeria | 3,058 |
4. Democratic Republic of Congo | 2,890 |
5. Yemen | 2,768 |
6. Central African Republic | 2,499 |
7. Bangladesh | 2,015 |
8. Haiti | 1,968 |
9. Niger | 1,729 |
10. Mali | 1,478 |
By number of outpatient consultations 2
1. Democratic Republic of Congo | 2,578,300 |
2. Nigeria | 1,203,600 |
3. Syria | 1,191,600 |
4. Burkina Faso | 1,020,100 |
5. Niger | 1,012,700 |
6. South Sudan | 879,100 |
7. Central African Republic | 725,700 |
8. Sudan | 697,600 |
9. Chad | 654,400 |
10. Bangladesh | 628,300 |
2Outpatient consultations exclude specialist consultations.
All financial figures have been converted from Euros to Canadian Dollars, using the annual average exchange rate for 2023 at 1.463. For the original figures in euros from MSF’s 2023 International Activity Report, visit doctorswithoutborders.ca/ impact-and-accountability.