2020 Overview of Activities


Project Locations

Context of Intervention

Largest Country Programs

By expenditure (in Canadian dollars)
1. Democratic Republic of Congo$174 million
2. South Sudan$119 million
3. Yemen$116 million
4. Central African Republic$105 million
5. Nigeria$68 million
6. Iraq$59 million
7. Afghanistan$50 million
8. Bangladesh$50 million
9. Syria$48 million
10. Lebanon$47 million
The total budget for our programs in these 10 countries was $841 million, 50.1 per cent of MSF’s operational expenses in 2020.
By number of field staff1
1. South Sudan3,555
2. Democratic Republic of Congo3,069
3. Central African Republic2,927
4. Yemen2,621
5. Nigeria2,380
6. Afghanistan2,196
7. Bangladesh1,982
8. Pakistan1,508
9. Niger1,469
10. Haiti1,316

By number of outpatient consultations
1. Democratic Republic of Congo1,694,103
2. Central African Republic766,900
3. South Sudan687,979
4. Niger681,161
5. Burkina Faso589,363
6. Bangladesh568,369
7. Mali510,896
8. Nigeria432,553
9. Syria416,692
10. Tanzania293,582
1 Staff numbers represent full-time equivalent positions (locally hired and international) averaged out across the year.
2Outpatient consultations exclude specialist consultations